Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Visiting Cap, and helping on the farm

First task, herd all 150+ animals into the barn.

Next, separate the boys from the girls, the young from the old, and the insubordinate from the obedient. All the young, female, and obedient (as well as a few select privileged others - Cap included) will get dewormed and sent back out into the pasture. The rest will go to auction.

Jennifer, owner of the Farm, with her animals in the barn. Ready for deworming!

Lexi and Julia - deworming the animals..

After the work is done, we get to visit all the animls in a more friendly, relaxed environment!

The little black/brown one is the favorite of Lexi and Julia, but he did not want to pose for pictures!

After many attempts, they finally got him cornered.